Live footage from the Hillside office.

Wow! What just happened is no small thing …

By providing your email, you’ve entrusted us to give you quality content to help you progress on your eco-journey.

We don’t take that lightly.

In fact, just as soon as you hit submit, a buzzer went off in our office, and everyone smiled. Someone just radioed a driver, and they let out a “toot-toot” on the air horn. Our yard manager just shouted, “Hot damn!” and ran out to a hot compost pile and dove her face in. (I’m not sure why she does that, but she swears it keeps the eye wrinkles away). And our boss just invited us to happy hour drinks. Let us know if you wanna join!

I’m not sharing this to let you know how easily we get off-task. But just to say that our locally-owned eco-friendly company has a big dream to lead our city into a post-climate crisis world. And we’re glad you’ve joined along for the ride.

Thanks again, and we’ll be in touch soon with wonderful insight and tips for ya. In the meantime, you can sample past emails here.