Looking for professional composting services? Lucky for you, we operate the Greater Omaha area's only industrial composting facility. Unlike composting at home, we can take anything that comes from nature (all pre & post-consumer food waste, paper towels/napkins, and bio-plastics) and turn it into nutrient-dense soil that goes into local gardens, landscapes, and farms.
Businesses place compostable material into a 64-gallon cart we provide. Our service team empties the carts at least once a week and transports them to our facility where it breaks down into nutrient-rich soil before going back into our community to help farmers, landscapers, and gardeners (or back to the business itself) to grow plants & foods without the use of chemicals.
“Not only have we been able to achieve Zero Waste thanks to Hillside’s composting service, but as an employee perk, we encourage our team to bring their compostables from home.”
"Hillside has helped us get closer to our ESG goals, while successfully handling our volume of compostable material and specific service needs across multiple buildings.”
PROBLEM: What most people don’t know is that food waste in a landfill doesn’t safely break down. It puts off noxious methane for 10-25 years, creates a toxic sludge that threatens our water, and shortens the lifespan of our landfills.
WHY CONSIDER COMPOSTING: As demonstrated wonderfully in the Kiss The Ground film on Netflix, we now know that growing things without the use of tilling or chemicals is the best thing we can do to reverse climate change. Our finished compost replaces chemicals, and when you participate in composting, you reduce your carbon footprint and link together the circular food system of soil to plants, plants to consumption, and food waste back to soil.
WHO’S DOING IT: Heavy hitters like Methodist Hospital, Creighton University and HDR to small businesses like Le Bouillon and Coneflower. Over 20 schools to 1,500+ residential folks using Compost Club.
WHERE IT GOES: All items collected through our composting service are sent to our affiliate company, Soil Dynamics. Our main composting site is in Ashland, Nebraska, right next to the Wildlife Safari Park. From there, it is mixed, turned, and set to compost for up to 1-year before being screened to remove contaminates. Then, local farmers, gardeners, landscapers, and construction companies use the finished product to add ground fill or nutrients back into our community’s soil.
HOW YOU CAN START COMPOSTING: Most organizations imagine composting to be way more complicated than it is. But we got your back. We give away all the secrets in our free step-by-step Quick Start Guide, and if you want us to take a more active role in your implementation, we customize training resources and provide hands-on consultation to big and small projects.
Training Video
Behind the Scene Video
Pics: A slideshow from start to finish
Residents can join Compost Club and self-haul food waste & other compostables to drop-off sites. Plus you get soil back!
Offering businesses a 64-gallon tote pickup program or industrial solutions with 20 and 40-yard roll-off containers.